Friday, 28 May 2021

Civil Engineering Multiple Choice Questions and Answers- Sustainable Development


This document does not claim any originality and cannot be used as a substitute for prescribed textbooks. I would like to acknowledge various sources like freely available materials from internet particularly NPTEL/ SWAYAM course material from which the lecture note was prepared. The ownership of the information lies with the respective authors or institutions. Further, this document is not intended to be used for commercial purpose and the BlogSpot owner is not accountable for any issues, legal or otherwise, arising out of use of this document.

This open resource is a collection of academic course for the graduation program for B. Tech (Civil) as per the syllabus of Dr. B.A.T University, Lonere, Raigad (m.s), India prepared by Dr. Mohd. Zameeruddin, Associate Professor, of MGM's College of Engineering, Nanded for use of the out-of-class activity. There are six lessons as part of this document, and each deals with an aspect related to Planning of Sustainable Development.

Module 1: Sustainable Development-explains and critically evaluates the concept of sustainable development. Environmental degradation and poverty, Sustainable development: its main principles, the evolution of ideas about sustainability 

Module 2: Strategies for promoting sustainable development, resistances to the concept, and some alternative approaches. Examine some important current issues and areas of debate in relation to sustainable development

Module 3: Innovation for sustainable development. Environmental management and innovation strategies

Module 4: Societal transformations. Institutional theory

Module 5: Governance for sustainable development. Policy responses to environmental degradation

Module 6: Capacity development for innovation. Research methods

Sustainable Development

1. Is not a part of the sustainable development?

A. The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

B. The ability of a society, ecosystem, or any such existing system to operate continuously in an undefined future without reaching key resource depletion.

C. The capacity and opportunity to maintain and improve the quality of life indefinitely without degrading quantity, quality or availability of natural, economical and social resources

D. To protect an individual life and societal standards.

Answer: (D)

2. Which of the following best describes Sustainable Development?

A. Development that provides for economic and social viability even if that results in environmental degradation for the future

B. Development that provides environmental sustainability even if that results in economic and social degradation for future generations

C. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

D. Development that meets the needs of the future generations even if that means present society's needs go unmet

Answer: (C)

3. The term sustainability refers to ________.

A. maintaining resource use at current or higher levels

B. keeping the natural environment and human society in a happy, healthy and functional state

C. holding or increasing the current quality of human life

D. always focusing on fulfilling short-term needs

E. opposing change from current policies

Answer: (B)

4. Harnessing wind energy to provide power for homes, offices, and other buildings or to pump water is one of the best examples of --------- development.

A. Technological

B. Scientific

C. Sustainable

D. Economical

Answer: (D)

5. “Environmental sustainability doesn't mean living without luxuries but rather being aware of your resource consumption and reducing unnecessary waste”.

A. Yes

B. No

C. May be

Answer: (A)

6. Which of the following terms describes the point beyond which the environment exceeds its ability to provide essential resources?

A. Sustainable Development

B. Sustainable Consumption

C. Environmental Development

D. Environmental Limits

Answer: (D)

7. Which type of development is represented by figure given below

A. Social development

B. Economic development

C. Industrial development

D. Sustainable development

Answer: B

8. The technology which meets the sustainable development needs is often referred to as

A. Advanced technology

B. Appropriate technology

C. Sustainable technology

D. Adaptive technology

Answer: (B)

9. The purpose of development is ........................without damaging the resources of the environment.

A. a rise in the level and quality of life of the population

B. the creation or expansion of local regional income

C. the creation or expansion employment opportunities

D. all of the above

Answer: (D)

10. The four domains of sustainability are...................

A. economic, ecological, political and cultural

B. economic, social, political and cultural

C. economic, ecological, social and cultural

D. economic, ecological, political and social

Answer: (A)

11.  The integration of the three pillars of sustainable development do not include

A. Bearable + Equitable = Social Equity

B. Bearable + Viable = Environmental protection

C. Equitable + Viable = Economical viability

D. Human + Viable = Human Sustainability

Answer: (D)

12. Which of the following is/are not an objective (s) of sustainable development?

A. To bring about a gradual and sometime catastrophic transformation of environment

B. Prevention of global warning

C. Reduction in toxic discharge

D. Protection of natural environment and living creatures

Answer: (D)

13. Which of the following is/are not an objective (s) of sustainable development?

A. To bring about a gradual and sometime catastrophic transformation of environment

B. Maintain a dynamic balance of arable land and implement an agricultural development strategy

C. Maintain a dynamic balance of water resources by reducing water consumption for every unit of gross development product growth and agricultural value added

D. Protection of natural environment and living creatures

Answer: (D)

14. Which of the following is/are not an objective (s) of sustainable development?

A. To bring about a gradual and sometime catastrophic transformation of environment

B. Reduction of resource and energy consumption

C. Food production and utilization

D. Protection of natural environment and living creatures

Answer: (D)

15. Which is not a purpose of the SDG?

A. To promote peace

B. To promote prosperity

C. To promote equality

D. To promote challenge

Answer: (D)

16. Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs is given by:

A. Brundtland

B. Mahatma Gandhi

C. Maathai

D. Sunderlal Bahugana

Answer: (A)

17. Which two of the following are widely regarded as being important aspects of sustainable social and economic development?

A. Inter-generational equity

B. Intra-generational equity

C. Inter-generational inequity

D. Intra-generational inequity

E. High levels of consumption expenditure and low levels of savings

Answer: A & B

18. Who should be involved for the SDG to be met?

A. Individuals

B. Governments

C. voluntary organizations

D. private companies

E. All of the above

Answer: (E)

19. Which SDG aims to Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development?

A, No Poverty

B. Affordable and Clean Energy

C. Life below Water

D. Life on Land

Answer: (C)

20. What qualities do people need to be change-makers for sustainability?

A. Knowledge about SD

B. Skills to encourage SD

C. Values and attitudes that support SD

D. Sustainable habits

Answer: (C)

21. The dimensions of sustainability includes

A. Stability (Peace and Security)

B. Cultural dimensions

C. Institutional / administrative arrangements

D. All of the above

Answer: (D)

22. Is not accounted as a dimension of sustainability

A. Environment

B. Society

C. Economy

D. Industries

Answer: (D)

23. The unfavorable alteration of environment due to human activity is termed as

A. Ecological disturbance

B. Catastrophe

C. Ecological degradation

D. Pollution

Answer: (D)

24. ........................ is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife; and pollution.

A. Environmental degradation

B. Ecological disturbance

C. Ecological degradation

D. Pollution

Answer: (A)

25. ...................... is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable

A. Environmental degradation

B. Ecological disturbance

C. Ecological degradation

D. Pollution

Answer: (D)

26. Which among the following can be considered as the cause(s) of poverty?

1. Social, economic and political inequality

2. Social inclusion

3. Unemployment

4. Indebtedness

5. Unequal distribution of wealth

Select the correct option from the below codes:

A. 1, 2, 3, and 4

B. 2, 3, 4 and 5

C. 1, 3, 4 and 5

D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Answer. (D)

27. When poverty is taken in relative term and is related to the distribution of income consumption expenditure it’s called:

A. Law line poverty

B. Absolute poverty

C. Relative poverty

D. None

Answer: (D)

28. Vulnerability to poverty is determined by the options for finding an alternative living in terms of

A. Assets

B. Education

C. health

D. all the above

Answer: (D)

29. The strategy formulation for promoting a sustainable development includes

A. Country ownership and participation,

B. Broad consultation, including particularly with the poor and with civil society, to open up debate on new ideas and information, expose issues to be addressed, and build consensus and political support on action.

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

Answer: (C)

30. The strategy formulation for promoting a sustainable development includes

A. Country ownership and participation,

B. Ensuring sustained beneficial impacts on disadvantaged and marginalised groups and on future generations.

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

Answer: (C)

31. The strategy formulation for promoting a sustainable development includes

A. Country ownership and participation,

B. A solid analytical basis, taking account also of relevant regional issues, including a comprehensive review of the present situation and forecasts of trends and risks.

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

Answer: (C)

32. Resistance to the concept of sustainability are (select any two)

A. Motivation

B. Identification of the problem

C. Cultivation pattern

D. Forest

Answer: A & B

33. Resistance to the concept of sustainability are (select any two)

A. Literacy and basic education

B. Lack of financial resources

C. Cultivation pattern

D. Forest

Answer: A & B

34. Resistance to the concept of sustainability are (select any two)

A. War-torn countries or political influences

B. Natural hazards

C. Cultivation pattern

D. Forest

Answer: A & B

35. Is not an alternative approach for sustainable development?

A. Precaution

B. Proportionality

C. Maintenance

D. Life-cycle approach

Answer: (D)

36. Is not an alternative approach for sustainable development?

A. Prevention

B. Rehabilitation

C. Security rule of law

D. Environmental protection

Answer: (B)

37. Is not an alternative approach for sustainable development?

A. Improved markets

B. Agricultural development

C. Community development

D. Protection

Answer: (D)

38. Is an example of sustainable development?

A. Ola Cab

B. Uber

C. Big basket

D. Solar cooker

Answer: (D)

39. Is not an example of sustainable development?

A. Wind Energy

B. Solar Energy

C. Big basket

D. Green spaces

Answer: (D)

40. Is not an example of sustainable development?

A. Wind Energy

B. Solar Energy

C. Big basket

D. Green spaces

Answer: (D)

41.  Merle C Crawford (1980) described four innovation strategies:

1. Inventive 

2. Adaptive 

3. Economic

4. Innovative Applications  

Which one is incorrect  

A. Inventive – First to market

B. Adaptive - Second but “best”

C. Economic– User friendly

D. Innovative Applications –creative use of existing technology

Answer: (C)

42. ------------ refers to innovation that happens on an incremental basis, often in response to customer and market demands or improvements in technology.    

A. Routine innovation

B. Disruptive innovation

C. Marketing innovation

D. Radical innovation

Answer: (A)

43. is an example of;

A. Sustaining innovation

B. Disruptive innovation

C. Application innovation

D. Business innovation

Answer: (B) 

44.  Focuses to address which of the two SDGs listed below

A. Education

B. Employment

C. Poverty

D. No hunger

Answer: B & C

45. What does Application Innovation concern about?

A. Takes existing technologies into markets to serve new purpose

B. Makes processes for established offerings in established markets more effective or efficient

C. Improves customers – touching processes, such as marketing communications or customer transactions

D. Capitalize on disruption to restructure industry relationships

Answer: (A)

46. Reorganize the jumble steps of innovation process

1. Narrow the search Space,

2. Look for what is missing,

3. Why,

4. Look for possible combination,

5. Manage the action cycle to take it from idea to innovation

A. 1-2-3-4-5

B. 2-1-3-4-5

C. 3-2-1-4-5

D. 5-4-3-2-1

Answer: (C)

47. break through innovation involves

1. implementation of new technology,

2. customer don’t realize they need it until they experience it first hand, and

3. for every change life as we know it.

The best example is

A. Electricity

B. Computers

C. Mobiles

D. Automobiles

Answer: (A)

48.  A variety of principles are used in environmental management

A. Polluter Pay Principle

B. User pays principle

C. Cradle to the grave principles

D. all of above

Answer: (D)   

49. The objective of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is to formulate measures which will:

A. Mitigate adverse impacts on various environmental components, which have been identified during the rapid environmental impact assessment study.

B. Protect environmental resources where possible.

C. Enhance the value of environmental components where possible.

D. All of the above

Answer: (D)

50. The environmental management plan covers the

A. Design

B. Construction

C. Management

D. All of the above

Answer: (D)

51. What is the term given to the idea that different people may have different viewpoints on environmental management?

A. Environmental ethics

B. Environmental economics

C. Tragedy of the commons

D. Sustainable development

Answer: (A)

52. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Human induced environmental change is usually more rapid than natural change and broadly irreversible

B. There is only one type of environmental management option, to stop the cause of change

C. For a successful management option to be decided it is best to limit the number of stakeholders to those with the greatest interest only

D. Environmental management is based on the premise that an environmental problem has to be managed only if it has been proven to cause a major problem

Answer: (A)

53.  .................. deals with the management of the environment without any kind of human interference with nature.

A. Protection

B. Prevention

C. Conservation

D. Rehabilitation

Answer: (B)

54. ....................... approach emphasis on human adjustment with physic biotic environment in relation to techno-behaviour institutional adjustments

A. Protection

B. Prevention

C. Conservation

D. Rehabilitation

Answer: (C)

55. ................dictates that anyone who disturbs or spoils the environment in any way must take necessary corrective measures to rectify the environment or pay for the cost of remediation

A. Polluter Pay Principle (PPP)

B. Precautionary Principle (PP)

C. Intergenerational Equity Principle (IEP)

D. Cradle to the grave principles

Answer: (A)

56. ...................... implies promoting systems that, where possible, enable people to enact their own forms of pro-social and pro-environmental behaviour through voluntary, not coerced, cooperation.

A. Polluter Pay Principle (PPP)

B. User pays principle (UPP) (or resource pricing principle)

C. Precautionary Principle (PP)

D. Subsidiary Principle (SP)

Answer: (D)

57. Which of the following UN commission is responsible for reviewing progress in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development?

A. United Nation Disaster management Commission

B. United Nations Statistical Commission

C. United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development

D. United Nations Commission on Human Rights

Answer: (C)

58. Innovation is defined as:

a. The commercialization of a new product or process.

b. the invention of a new product or process.

c. a new product or process idea.

d. the implementation of a new production method.

Answer: (A)

59. ______________ shows the process of creating something new.

A. Innovation

B. Business model

C. Modelling

D. Creative flexibility

Answer: (A)

60. Innovations provide

A. The primary means for differentiating your product from your competitors'

B. Higher profit margins

C. Potential barriers to entry

D. All of the above

Answer: (D)

61. Who is not needed in developing participation for innovation in the organizations?

(i) Role Model

(ii) Catalyst

(iii) Investor

(iv) Customer

A. Only (iv)

B. Only (iii) and (ii)

C. Only (iii) and (iv)

D. Only (i)

Answer: (C)

62. Which of the following is/are challenge(s) in the process of innovation?

A. Fear of failure

B. Unable to predict

C. Lack of resources

D. All of the above

Answer: (D)

63. Which of the following is correct?

A. Innovation starts with creativity.

B. Innovation begins with curiosity.

C. Innovation happens accidentally.

D. All of the above

Answer: (B)

64. Which of the following is/are not an objective (s) of sustainable development?

A. Continue to implement the family planning program

B. Maintain a dynamic balance of arable land (not less than 123 million hectares) and implement an agricultural development strategy

C. Maintain a dynamic balance of water resources by reducing water consumption for every unit of gross development product growth and agricultural value added

D. To bring about a gradual and sometime catastrophic transformation of environment

Answer: (D)

65. What are the Primary Goals of Sustainability?                   

I. The end of poverty and hunger                                          

II. Better standards of education and healthcare - particularly as it pertains to water quality and better sanitation

III. To achieve gender equality                                                        

IV. Sustainable economic growth while promoting jobs and stronger economies

A. I, II & III

B. I, III & IV

C. I & III

D. I, II, III & IV

Answer: (D)

66. Consider the following statement (s) related to the parameters of sustainable development refer to the guiding principles.

I. Help in understanding the concept of sustainable development

II. Point the problems associated with it                                       

III. Help to take active policy measures

A. Both I & II

B. Both II & III

C. Both I & III

D. I, II & III

Answer: (D)

67. Which of the following is not included in the parameters of sustainable development?

A. Carrying capacity

B. Inter and Intra-generation equity

C. Gender disparity and diversity

D. None of the above

Answer: (D)

68. How many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed to, by all the world’s nations, as part of the 2030 Agenda?

A. 17       B. 10        C.8        D.16

Answer: (A)

69. Goal 1 is about poverty. What is the aim of this Goal?

A. Cut poverty in half by 2030

B. Reduce poverty by 75% by 2030

C. End poverty in all its forms everywhere

D. Help each nation make progress on reducing poverty

Answer: (C)

70. Goal 17 is about strengthening the “means of implementation” and revitalizing the “Global Partnership” for realizing all the other Goals. Which of the following is not part of Goal 17?

A. Mobilizing the financial resources necessary to achieve the Goals

B. Creating international sports tournaments and festivals to promote the Goals

C. Helping developing countries build the capacities they need in areas such as technology, public policy, and data for reporting on progress

D. Enhancing trade, especially to help developing countries increase their exports and grow their economies

Answer: (B)

71. Which of the following is not part of the Sustainable Development Goals?

A. Access to sustainable energy for all

B. Availability of water and sanitation for all

C. Provision of internet services for all

D. Promotion of decent jobs for all

Answer: (C)

72. Equality issues are specifically mentioned in how many of the Sustainable Development Goals (not including the targets)?

A. In two of them: Goal 6 on water, and Goal 12 on sustainable production and consumption

B. In four of them: Goal 2 on hunger, Goal 7 on energy, Goal 8 on economic growth and jobs, and Goal 14 on preserving the oceans and seas

C. In three of them: Goal 4 on education, Goal 5 on gender, and Goal 10 on reducing inequality within and among countries

D. In one of them: Goal 16 on promoting peaceful and just societies for all

Answer: (C)

73. Which of the following is not part of Goal 15, on ecosystems?

A. Halt and reverse land degradation

B. Halt biodiversity loss

C. Halt the use of biotechnology and genetic engineering

D. Use ecosystems sustainably while protecting and restoring them

Answer: (C)

74. Which of the following is not true about the SDGs?

A. They encourage the promotion of health, well-being, and education for all, at all ages

B. They explicitly promote innovation

C. They include the development of sustainable cities, infrastructure, and industry

D. They are a legally binding international treaty that all nations are required to follow

Answer: (D)

75. What can individuals do to help realize the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?

A. Hold their governments and the private sector accountable and support reputable civil society organizations

B. Create projects and partnerships of their own and participate in existing initiatives to help achieve one or more of the goals

C. Use their positions in society — as teachers, decision-makers, consumers, role-models, and ordinary citizens — to voice support for the Goals, to make decisions that advance the Goals, and to take actions help to implement the Goals

D. All of the above

Answer: (D)



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Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

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